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Build an RFP response database to answer faster & win

When it comes to answering requests for proposals (RFPs), efficiency is essential. Unfortunately, if you’re like many of your peers without an RFP response database, getting prop...

Response management made simple

When an organization seeks you out, it’s flattering. Your product or service is getting noticed. While everyone in your organization deserves tremendous kudos for the recognition...

Understanding knowledge management

Aside from your employees, company knowledge is your organization's most valuable asset. If yours is like most, the amount of knowledge accumulated over the years seems to grow exp...

Knowledge management best practices

When a business is in its founding phase, it's undeniably chaotic, but it's also when company communication is at its peak. Everyone is on a first-name basis and working toward the...

Best new product features for 2022

We all knew that 2021 was going to be a major upgrade to 2020. There was nowhere to go but up. But, wow, it ended up being a huge leap forward for Responsive (formerly RFPIO) and o...

How to turn proposals into a revenue-driving engine

Can the best proposal in the world win a sale on its own? Honestly, probably not. Proposals are just one element of a lengthy and involved sales process. Flip the question on it...