How Responsive expedited the sales cycle & RFP response processes

Key results

Automated processes

When Senior Sales Engineer Joe Aakre from Compli noticed more and more RFPs piling onto his to-do list, he knew he needed a more effective way to manage them. Much to his delight, the solution he found to help him manage his RFPs, also expedited his team’s sales cycle.

Working overtime to submit

Joe knew his team’s RFP response process was painfully inefficient. His team would comb through previous RFP responses stored in documents and spreadsheets in order to find relevant answers — and would even schedule meetings so they could answer RFP questions as a group.

This back-and-forth process was eating up precious time that Joe didn’t have. He would scramble to facilitate collaboration between different departments and pull together RFPs before the deadline — which, more often than not, meant working overtime to get RFPs submitted on time.

With Responsive, the team submitted their RFP two days early

After using Responsive for just one week, Joe knew he would never go back. The in-app collaboration tools meant he could discuss answers with colleagues without leaving the application — and certainly without holding time-consuming meetings. Further, he could seamlessly export the RFP answers back into the original document within seconds, a task that used to take him hours.

Because of these unexpected time savings, Joe submitted his first Responsive-fueled RFP two days ahead of schedule.

Responsive also expedited his sales process, arming his sales team with a vast content library. In practice, the sales team could immediately find the answer to any questions that came up during the sales cycle.

The power of auto response: 80% completion in just one click

As soon as a new RFP pops into his inbox, Joe can complete about 80% of the answers using Responsive’s AI-enabled auto respond feature. He then uses the extra hours to fine-tune the RFP content, to make sure his RFPs are top quality.

“I can’t remember when I’ve been able to focus completely on the management of the RFP process without having to think about the formatting of the final product. It functioned flawlessly. I was able to get the RFP out early and was thrilled with the export.”

You deserve an upgrade

Find out how the leading strategic response management platform can help you
better manage RFPs, RFls, DDQs, security questionnaires and more.

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