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Select the right vendor with greater confidence, in less time

Get from RFP to vendor of choice with ease, efficiency, and collaboration to proactively identify and select the best partner for your business.

A simpler and more structured RFP process starts with RFx development and administration:

  • Build a highly organized template library so you can reuse past RFPs
  • Include data collection tables with formulas and unit-of-measure lists
  • Streamline RFPs for trusted, profiled vendors, asking only new questions

Better RFx drive better results

Selecting the right vendor can make or break key initiatives and investments. RFP360 simplifies the process, drives transparency for vendors and issuers, and equips your team to pick the winning partner with ease and confidence.

RFx development & administration

Manage all requests in a template library — simplifying, standardizing and improving every RFx you create.

Workflow & collaboration

Assign tasks, set deadlines, collaborate and communicate with stakeholders, suppliers and scorers in one solution.

Evaluation & scoring

Collect, score and compare responses in a single view, driving more informed and objective buying decisions.

Dashboards & reporting

Generate reports for insight into past responses and glance at dashboards to see the status of RFPs and tasks.

Improve communication and decision making with advanced workflow and collaboration

  • Assign the right people to create and approve RFx templates
  • Invite vendors to best-in-class response management features
  • Work with stakeholders, clients, vendors and scorers in one place
Improve communication and decision making with advanced workflow and collaboration

Build complex, more effective RFPs quickly

Collect and evaluate quality responses

Improve strategic buying decisions

Improve decision making with advanced scoring and evaluation capabilities

  • Gather client requirements and assess vendor responses with discovery
  • Establish criteria, weights and defaults for scoring and select evaluators
  • Conduct side-by-side evaluations using innovative comparison tools

Use dashboards and reporting to get a complete view of your process

  • Get a real-time process overview with a unique, informative timeline
  • Compare response and data trends across RFPs, vendors and profiles
  • Export a final report detailing how you objectively arrived at a decision