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Why you need a growth mindset and more time to learn

Whether your purview is proposals, products, relationships, or processes, business life cycles continue to accelerate at a breakneck pace. It’s extremely exciting. Heightened lev...

Improve sales contract management with RFP software

If sales is the rock and legal is the hard place, then you’ll often find sales contract management stuck right in the middle. The constant dilemma of the sales contract manager i...

What is a security questionnaire?

If you Google the term “data breach,” you’ll see daily reports of personal information leaked into the cybersphere, often from companies that believe their security systems a...

Building RFPs with the best response team structure

“No one can whistle a symphony. It takes an orchestra to play it.” H.E. Luccock once said that. You need to complete and submit winning RFP responses, and you can’t do it al...