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Who really owns the RFP response process?

There's a common phrase in the tech world that you can’t have it “Good, fast and cheap, you have to pick two." Anyone who has tried to achieve all three has struggled to find t...

3 ways to de-stress your RFP process right now

RFPs are a team effort, requiring hours and resources companies often feel they don't have to spare. But to source new business and win clients, responding to RFPs is crucial to an...

Write, Send, and Review an RFP in 8 Steps or Less

Creating effective requests for proposals (RFPs) is complicated. You have to wrangle internal stakeholders, answer questions from vendors, and then find a way to determine who y...

How to Write a Killer RFP [Podcast]

How to write a killer RFP Are we abusing the RFP process? It's time to transform our RFPs from tedious paper shuffling to a key tool that brings real value to the procurement p...